204 Ruger vs 223 Remington vs 22-250 Remington vs 220 Swift Review & Comparison

21K views May 10, 2024

To learn more about popular calibers like the 223 Remington , visit: https://huntingguns101.com/optin1615146914565?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=HG101&utm_term=YT&utm_content=204vs223 In this video, I conduct a detailed comparison of the 204 Ruger, 223 Remington, 22-250 Remington, and 220 Swift cartridges. The vast majority of predator and varmint hunters probably agree the .204 Ruger, .223 Remington, .22-250 Remington, and .220 Swift are all excellent cartridges for pest control. After all, there’s a good reason why they are among the most popular centerfire small bore rifle cartridges in the country. The .204 Ruger, .223 Remington, .22-250 Remington, and .220 Swift are all very accurate, flat shooting, and high velocity cartridges. However, each one has different strengths and weaknesses. Though some of the differences between them are significant, the distinction between the cartridges in other areas may seem like splitting hairs at times. Especially considering that each cartridge tends to appeal to particular segments of the hunting and shooting communities that value different characteristics in a cartridge, the 22-250 vs 223 vs 204 Ruger vs 220 Swift debate can get pretty intense and tough to navigate at times. In this episode, I discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the 22-250 vs 223 vs 204 Ruger vs 220 Swift in order to give you the information necessary to choose the right one for your needs. To read a more detailed comparison of the 22-250 vs 223 vs 204 Ruger vs 220 Swift, visit: https://thebiggamehuntingblog.com/22-250-vs-223-vs-204-ruger-vs-220-swift/ ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­--------------- Follow BGHB: https://thebiggamehuntingblog.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBigGameHuntingBlog Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebiggamehunter_/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBigGameHunt

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