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Spring is here and that means bear seasons all over the country will be opening soon. If you’re not one of the lucky hunters who with a spring bear hunt on your calendar, talking about going bear hunting might be the next best thing. Today, we’re joined by Dan Roland who is a veteran of many hunts in Alaska, both for coastal brown bear and grizzly bear. Well, Dan and I are going to get into the nitty gritty details of bear hunting in Alaska. So, if you’ve always dreamed about one of those hunts, you’re gonna love the show today.
Ep 226: Dan Roland On Musk Ox Hunting – Podcast referenced in episode
Ep 92: Dan Roland On Dall Sheep Hunting In Alaska And Canada – Podcast referenced in episode
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What We Covered
1) Brief overview of Dan’s three brown/grizzly bear hunts.
2) Discussion of challenges he faced on each hunt and how he overcame them.
3) Things he wished he knew before going on those hunts.
4) Discussion on the travel and logistics involved with hunting in Alaska.
5) Discussion on gear recommendations for those hunts.
6) About how much one of those hunts cost.
You can connect with Dan on Instagram danroland67
Below is a photo of his 10″ Alaska Brown Bear