Hunting Travel Logistics Simplified
Today, I want to give a shout out to Matt from Tennessee. He emailed me a couple of months ago with a request for an episode about the logistics of doing a self-guided hunt out west. So, that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.
Now like I said, Matt lives in Tennessee, so it’s a really long haul for him to drive out to Wyoming, Colorado or New Mexico. We all have work and family obligations, so you can only realistically plan on taking so much time off for a hunt and every day that you’re traveling is a day that you’re away from your other obligations, but not actually hunting.
So like Matt requested, we’re going to talk about a couple of different options hunters have to maximize their hunting time while they’re actually away from home and work.
Feel free to send me a message with any feedback you have on the show as well as topic requests for future episodes.
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What We Covered
1) Travel considerations for heading out west by hunters that live east of the Mississippi River.
2) Things to keep in mind if you want to fly out for your hunt.
3) Pros and cons of staying in a hotel on a hunt out west.
4) Pros and cons of staying in a vacation rental on a hunt out west.
4) Why a drop camp might make sense for some hunts.
Now I talk a lot about goHunt and their Insider Membership in a lot of episodes where I disucss hunting out west. They provide a bunch of great information you can use to research specific units that you can use to pull a pretty good quality tag. In addition to all of this, they also provide a provile of each unit that includes things like where you need to go to buy groceries, or gas, or find a hotel in a specific unit. This is all the sort of stuff that you should take into account when planning your hunt and will help you get started both doing your research and then in turn actually putting it all together when you actually draw that tag.
Trust me, a goHunt INSIDER membership will pay for itself many times over with the first tag you draw. So if you think a hunt out west might be in your future then head over to and sign up for their INSIDER membership to start doing some research yourself for your dream hunt as well as all the logistics that go along with it.
Don’t forget to use promo code BIGGAMEHUNTER when you sign up to get $50 in store credit at their gear shop. This is some cash you can REALLY put to good use if you decide to upgrade your hunting gear to some stuff that’s lighter, more compact, and easier to transport long distances. Like Trail and I discussed back in Episode 58, every single item in that gear shop has been vetted by hardcore hunters in the goHunt team, so you know it will work on a serious hunt out west.
So, sign up for an INSIDER membership at and you can get the information you need to pull a great tag for yourself. Use promo code BIGGAMEHUNTER when you sign up to get $50 in store credit at their gear shop. Not only will you get the information that will help you know exactly what units to apply for in order to have a fun hunt with a reasonable chance of drawing, but you’ll also get $50 in store credit that you can use to buy some good quality hunting gear at the same time.