Keith Beam On Hunting From A Ground Blind And Children’s Hunting Books
Today’s guest is going to share some interesting thoughts with us on another piece of gear that is really popular for some whitetail and turkey hunters, but also actually has a lot of applications for hunts out west: ground blinds. Keith has really been around the block a time or two when it comes to hunting out of ground blinds today he’s going to share a BUNCH of tips and tricks with you guys on how to get the absolute most out of your ground blind regardless of whether you’re hunting whitetail deer, turkey, mule deer, pronghorn, or even elk.
Now, make sure you stick around at the end of the show because Keith and I are also going to talk about a couple of really cool hunting books he specifically designed for kids that should really be interesting to those of you who are parents or grandparents to small children and want to introduce them to hunting at an early age.
Feel free to send me a message with any feedback you have on the show as well as topic requests for future episodes.
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What We Covered
1) Advantages of hunting from a ground blind vs hunting out of a tree stand.
2) Things to keep in mind when setting up your ground blind.
3) What to wear in a ground blind, what sort of chair you should use, and where in the blind you’d like to sit.
4) Overview of the Drake’s Adventures series of books and how they can be such an effective tool for introducing children to hunting.
GoFundMe For Drake’s Adventures– Head to this page to get your copies of Drake’s Adventures. $25 will get you one copy of each book (Spring Thunder and Trick or Treat). After you donate, Keith will send you an email asking where you’d like your books sent. Shipping is included and he’ll send the books anywhere you like in the Continental United States.
You can buy additional book sets for $25 apiece. Each $25 donation will also count as one entry in the whitetail deer hunt giveaway at Nelson Outfitters in Wyoming.
Also, make sure you follow the Drakes Adventures Facebook Page.
33 Hunting Books Every Hunter Should Read In 2019– Drake’s Adventures also made the cut for my list of recommended hunting books. Check out the list to see what other books I recommend.