Ep 269: Aaron Minkus Returns To Africa!

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Aaron Minkus is back on the show today to talk about his return trip to Africa in 2023. He previously hunted Africa back in 2021 as one of the first Americans to make it back to South Africa after the country opened back up after the COVID shut downs (which we talked about in episode 209). He was bitten by the Africa hunting bug on that trip and returned for another fantastic safari this year. In this episode, we talk about how he prepared for his hunt, how things went over there, and some things he wished he knew prior to that trip. 

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Aaron mentioned Kevin Robertson’s book The Perfect Shot II multiple times in this episode and saying how much it helped him prepare. I highly recommend that all listeners of this podcast purchase a copy of that book (plus Kevin’s other book It Shouldn’t Happen). You will not be disappointed with either one. Go to thebiggamehuntingblog.com/kevin to get a copy.

Get a set of shooting sticks from African Sporting Creations here.


Ep 209: First African Hunting Safari In The Age Of COVID With Aaron Minkus – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 251: Lonnie Cribb From Superior Ammunition – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 267: 9.3x62mm Mauser Cartridge Profile – Podcast referenced in episode

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