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Joseph von Benedikt is back is on the show with us for our second successful bighorn sheep hunt recap in as many months today. We’re going to talk about how Joseph got this opportunity, the importance of maintaining good physical fitness and of taking care of your gear in the off season, the story of his hunt, some lessons he learned along the way, and what the future holds for him.
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Ep 96: Elk Hunting Bullets With Joseph von Benedikt – Previous interview with Joseph
Ep 104: Elk Hunting Rifles With Joseph von Benedikt – Previous interview with Joseph
Ep 130: Caribou Hunting In Alaska With Joseph von Benedikt – Previous interview with Joseph
Ep 162: Moose Hunting 101 With Joseph von Benedikt – Previous interview with Joseph
1) Joseph’s Personal Instagram Page
2) Check out Joseph’s podcast: The Backcountry Hunting Podcast on Apple Podcasts
3) – Web site For the Backcountry Hunting Podcast
4) Below is a photo of Joseph and his bighorn sheep.