What is the best muzzleloader for you in 2025?
I think most hunters will likely agree that the wide variety of different muzzleloader options currently available, combined with the confusing hunting regulations in many states, can make choosing the best muzzleloader for hunting season an overwhelming task. This is particularly true for hunters just learning how to hunt with a muzzleloader or those hunting in a particular state for the first time.
To make the situation even more bewildering, not only are the big manufacturers constantly discontinuing old models and rolling out new muzzleloaders each year, but it also seems like many states are continuously updating their regulations as well. So, there can be a big swing in which muzzleloaders are legal to hunt with from year to year. Additionally, one of the few constants in this situation is the fact that it can be really tough to cut through some of the marketing speak a lot of companies use to sell their products.
From one hunter to another, trust me when I say that I’ve experienced a lot of that same frustration myself.
I’ve used several different muzzleloaders since I first started hunting with a smoke pole many years ago. Fortunately, I’ve generally had very good results with the muzzleloaders I’ve hunted with, though I’ve had some close calls.
For instance, I was on the verge of purchasing a particular northwest legal muzzleloader to hunt with up in Washington several years ago, but some unrelated life events intervened before I could actually buy the muzzleloader in question. When I was ready to make the purchase again a couple of weeks later, I discovered that the manufacturer had discontinued the model I was about to buy during the interim. They made that decision for several reasons, but I discovered later that the muzzleloader suffered from overall poor quality and subpar performance afield.
The last thing any hunter wants is to purchase a poor quality muzzleloader or one that’s not legal to use during muzzleloading season where they hunt.
For that reason, I’m sharing my picks of the best muzzleloaders for hunters in 2025 so you can make an informed decision and choose the best muzzleloader for your specific hunting situation.
Remember: rules and regulations regarding hunting with a muzzleloader can vary quite a bit from state to state. Certain muzzleloaders may be legal to hunt with in one state, but illegal to use during muzzleloader season during a neighboring state. It’s up to you to check local regulations in order to verify that you’re using legal equipment.
Before we get started, here’s a disclaimer: some of the links below are affiliate links. This means I will earn a small commission if you make a purchase.
This commission comes at no extra cost to you. This helps support the blog and allows me to continue to create free content that’s useful to hunters like yourself. Thanks for your support.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get started.
CVA Accura LR-X

CVA designed the Accura LR-X muzzleloader to incorporate many of the great features of the CVA Paramount, but still use a standard 209 ignition with a regular magnum (instead of super magnum) powder charge.
So, the CVA Accura LR-X uses the new CVA X-Treme stock with an adjustable comb height to fit any shooter and optic selection. This is a great feature to help hunters obtain a proper cheek weld regardless of whether they’re using open sights or a scope. This is especially important for a long shot.
Like the Paramount line of long range muzzleloaders, the 30″ long barrel for the Accura LR-X is free-floated and has a threaded muzzle to accept the new Paramount Muzzle Brake. As you can imagine, these rifles have excellent accuracy potential and are great options for hunters who want great extended range performance without stepping up to the heavier and much more expensive CVA Paramount.
Additionally, the Accura LR-X is available in either .45 or .50 caliber. The .45 caliber version uses a fast 1:22″ rifling twist and the .50 caliber version uses a 1:28″ rifling twist. However, the really cool thing about these muzzleloaders is they can use the .45 or .50 caliber PowerBelt ELR bullets.
Especially with the .50 caliber LR-X, it’s important to use a full magnum charge (120gr of Blackhorn 209 or 3x 50gr 777 pellets) to get best accuracy with the PowerBelt ELR. That 1:28″ rifling twist will properly stabilize the longer PowerBelt ELR bullets and they’ll still reliably expand on impact, but only at higher velocities.
The upside is that these muzzleloaders will also shoot standard .45 or .50 caliber bullets (both full bore and saboted bullets) very well too.
In fact, CVA even offers a full money back guarantee for their Accura rifles if they aren’t the most accurate muzzleloaders you’ve ever shot.
Additionally, the CVA Accura LR-X comes with a Bergara barrel featuring a Nitride AND CeraKote finish on the exterior for even better corrosion resistance than a typical stainless steel barrel. Though it’s not totally corrosion proof, this Nitride and CeraKote finish is still extremely durable and resistant to corrosion, which is especially nice for hunters who live in wet climates.
The CVA Accura LR-X also has a lot of the same features of the standard CVA Wolf, Optima, Accura muzzleloaders like their Quick-Release Breech Plug, fully ambidextrous stock, and simple break open action.
Like I said, the CVA Accura LR-X is a less expensive and lighter alternative to the CVA Paramount that still has higher end features like a free floated barrel, adjustable stock, and the ability to use the more aerodynamic PowerBelt ELR bullets.
It uses a standard magnum powder charge, so muzzle velocities won’t be quite as high as with the Paramount, but the Accura won’t have quite as much recoil either. The Accura LR-X also uses 209 primers (instead of variflame ignition), but you can buy a conversion kit if you’d like.
All things considered, this is one of the best long range muzzleloaders CVA currently produces for those who want a little bit more reach without spending a lot of money, quite as much recoil, or as much weight. It’s also still a very flexible muzzleloader that will work really well with standard bullets at closer range if so desired.
For those reasons, this is a very flexible muzzleloader that will work great for deer hunting east of the Mississippi as well as game like mule deer, elk, and pronghorn out west where ranges can be a little longer.
- Sighting System: Iron Sights & Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mount or With Mounted Scope
- Caliber: .45 or .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
Remington 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader
While there are other long range muzzleloaders to choose from these days, the Remington 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader (UML), its still a great option for hunters interested in a great quality long range muzzleloader. The Remington UML made a giant splash when it hit the market a few years ago and was easily the best long range muzzleloader in mass production for many years.
This was due in large part to the innovative ignition system the muzzleloader utilizes. Instead of a musket cap or a standard 209 primer, the Remington UML uses a special brass magnum rifle casing and a standard magnum rifle primer. This system allows the muzzleloader to safely use up to 200 grains of black powder substitute, which is significantly more than most other muzzleloaders.
This results in higher velocities, flatter trajectories, and a longer effective range than standard muzzleloaders.
The Remington Model 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader uses 250 grain Barnes Premier muzzleloader bullets that have a special sabot designed to handle those exceptionally large powder charges. However, aside from the new sabot, the bullet is not very different from run of the mill muzzleloader bullets.
So how does the Remington muzzleloader stack up next to the newer CVA Paramount?
Well, if you’re thinking that the two muzzleloaders have similar capabilities that are achieved through slightly different methods, then you’re correct.
Basically, the Remington muzzleloader can handle larger powder charges, but the Paramount uses a bullet with a much higher ballistic coefficient. Their capabilities are similar, but all things considered, the Paramount has a very slight edge with its external ballistics.
That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the Remington 700 UML though. It’s very accurate, highly regarded among muzzleloader hunters, and is still a capable tool for hunting situations out to approximately 300 yards.
If you want a good muzzleloader for long range hunting, then the Remington Model 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader is another good choice. Though you can purchase one without a scope and mount your own (or use iron sights), it’s also available in a packages that includes a mounted and bore sighted Leupold scope.
- Sighting System: Iron Sights & Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mount
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: Remington UML Ignition
CVA Wolf
After I had the close call I mentioned earlier, I did some more research on good muzzleloaders and discovered the CVA Wolf. I ended up buying a Northwest Legal model of the Wolf a few years ago and I’ve been extremely pleased with that purchase.
The Wolf is CVAs entry level muzzleloader below the CVA Optima V2 and Accura V2. However, while it is indeed an excellent break action muzzleloader for those who are new to the muzzleloader world, it’s still a very capable muzzleloader and is not limited to new hunters and will work perfectly for the vast majority of muzzleloader hunters. Indeed, the CVA Wolf is one of the best selling inline muzzleloaders in the United States for good reason: it’s well designed, user friendly, reliable, and accurate.
Featuring a QRBP (Quick-Release Breech Plug), which is really easy to remove without tools, the CVA Wolf is very simple to clean and maintain. It’s also compact, lightweight, and easy to carry.
Finally, the CVA Wolf is very reasonably priced and is one of the best value muzzleloaders in North America.
The version of the CVA Wolf pictured here features a Durasight scope mount, which is permitted for use in most states. However, CVA also makes an otherwise identical Wolf variant with iron sights for use in states where scopes are not permitted.
CVA also produces a Northwest Legal model of the Wolf for use in the states of Idaho and Oregon that require the ignition be exposed to the elements and do not permit the use of 209 primers.
So, regardless of where you hunt, there’s probably a CVA Wolf muzzleloader that will work for you!
- Sighting System: Includes One-Piece Scope Mount
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
Traditions NitroFire VAPR
The new Traditions NitroFire VAPR is a revolutionary development in muzzleloader technology. This muzzleloader uses Federal’s new FireStick system which is touted as being incredibly simple, easy, and safe to use when compared to the traditional way of loading a muzzleloader.
How does it work?
Well, the muzzleloader does not have a normal breechplug. Instead, the user simply inserts the FireStick, which is basically a container with a pre-measured powder charge, in the breech. The bullet is loaded through the muzzle as normal and seated against the FireStick with a ram rod. Finally, the user must simply insert a regular 209 primer in the base of the FireStick before firing.
This whole process is designed to be much easier, faster, and safer than measuring and loading a charge of loose powder or even pre-formed pellets. The FireStick contains an optimized load of powder designed specifically for use with the Federal BOR bullet, so the NitroFire is capable of outstanding accuracy. It also requires far fewer tools and accessories than other muzzleloaders.
These muzzleloaders also have the new Traditions VAPR barrel with a fast 1:24″ rifling twist rate that enables these muzzleloaders to shoot heavier and more aerodynamic bullets weighing up to 300 grains or so. Don’t worry, they’ll still shoot typical muzzleloader bullets in the 170-250gr range accurately too.
Finally, it’s also very easy to unload and clean.
For all those reasons, the Traditions NitroFire VAPR is billed as the ideal choice for hunters who are just learning how to use a muzzleloader.
Note: the Traditions NitroFire is a great muzzleloader, but some states do not allow hunters to use it during dedicated muzzleloader seasons. Verify that it’s legal to use in your state before purchasing.
- Sighting System: Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mounts
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: Federal FireStick
CVA Accura MR-X

Are you looking for a muzzleloader that’s less expensive than the CVA Paramount, but with more bells and whistles than the CVA Wolf? If so, then you should really consider the CVA Accura MR-X.
The CVA Accura MR-X Muzzleloader uses the new CVA X-Treme stock with an adjustable comb to fit any shooter and optic selection. This is a great feature to help hunters obtain a proper cheek weld regardless of whether they’re using open sights or a scope.
Additionally, the CVA Accura MR-X comes with a Bergara barrel featuring a Nitride AND CeraKote finish on the exterior for even better corrosion resistance than a typical stainless steel barrel. Though it’s not totally corrosion proof, this Nitride and CeraKote finish is still extremely durable and resistant to corrosion, which is especially nice for hunters who live in wet climates.
If that weren’t enough, like the Paramount, the 26″ long barrel for the Accura MR-X is free-floated and has a threaded muzzle to accept the new Paramount Muzzle Brake. As you can imagine, these rifles have excellent accuracy potential and are great options for hunters who want great extended range performance without stepping up to the heavier and much more expensive CVA Paramount.
In fact, CVA even offers a full money back guarantee for their Accura rifles if they aren’t the most accurate muzzleloaders you’ve ever shot.
This is one of the best muzzleloaders CVA currently produces for all around elk and deer hunting and is well suited for hunting hunting whitetail deer east of the Mississippi as well as pronghorn, elk, and mule deer out west.
The CVA Accura MR-X comes with a Quake Claw Sling, a Durasight scope rail, an accessory kit, and a carbon fiber collapsible ramrod. Finally, the Accura also has a lot of the same features that make the Wolf a great muzzleloader like the Quick-Release Breech Plug, fully ambidextrous stock, and simple break open action.
- Sighting System: Durasight scope rail
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
Traditions Vortek Strikerfire LDR VAPR

While most of the really popular muzzleloaders these days (even modern inlines) still use a traditional external hammer for ignition, the Traditions Vortek Strikerfire LDR incorporates an internal striker for ignition (similar to those used by many modern firearms). This results in noticeably faster lock times and also allows hunters to mount their scope closer to the bore. This muzzleloader also has a great, adjustable two-stage trigger that comes from the factory set at two pounds.
Additionally, Traditions just started outfitting their Vortek Strikerfire and Pursuit rifles with their new VAPR barrels. These barrels use a faster 1:24″ rifling twist to improve their performance with heavier and more aerodynamic bullets. Don’t worry, they’ll still work great with lighter bullets, especially at shorter range, but they do give that added capability for hunters who want and/or need it.
Add it all up, and the Traditions Vortek Strikerfire LDR is a very well designed modern muzzleloader that’s lightweight, easy to carry, and is capable of excellent accuracy. Oh by the way, it also has a Cerakote finish for corrosion resistance.
- Sighting System: Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mounts
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
Traditions Pursuit VAPR XT

The Traditions Pursuit VAPR XT is a very lightweight and easy to handle rifle. Weighing it at just 5.75 pounds, this is an incredibly lightweight and easy to carry muzzleloader that’s perfect for carrying in really thick or rough terrain.
It’s not just really light though. The Pursuit VAPR XT has an exceptionally well balanced barrel and a slim profile. The barrel and action also have a CeraKote finish for corrosion resistance.
Additionally, as is the case with the Traditions Vortek Strikerfire, new production Pursuit rifles like this one also use the new VAPR barrels. These barrels use a faster 1:24″ rifling twist to improve their performance with heavier and more aerodynamic bullets. Don’t worry, they’ll still work great with lighter bullets, especially at shorter range, but they do give that added capability for hunters who want and/or need it.
While most versions of Traditions Pursuit have a .50 caliber bore, Traditions also makes a .45 caliber version as well.
Finally, these rifles are renowned for their accuracy and is easy to use and maintain. The Pursuit XT comes with an Accelerator Breech Plug that traditions advertises can be removed by hand without the use of tools in just three turns. Additionally, it also has a manual safety that incorporates both a hammer block and trigger block safety, so the Pursuit XT is very safe to use.
All told, this is a great muzzleloader that offers exceptional performance at a mid-level price point.
- Sighting System: Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mounts
- Caliber: .45 Caliber or .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
Traditions Buckstalker XT

Just like you’d think from the name, the Traditions Buckstalker XT is a very compact and maneuverable firearm that’s ideal for hunting in thick woods, but is also capable of longer shots across clearings and fields. Like the CVA Wolf, the Traditions Buckstalker XT is a very reasonably priced muzzleloader and is great for those just entering the muzzleloader world for the first time.
These rifles are renowned for their accuracy and is easy to use and maintain. The Buckstalker XT comes with an Accelerator Breech Plug that traditions advertises can be removed by hand without the use of tools in just three turns. Additionally, it also has a manual safety that incorporates both a hammer block and trigger block safety, so the Buckstalker XT is very safe to use.
The Traditions Buckstalker XT comes factory drilled and tapped for a scope. All in all, this muzzleloader is a great value and is perfect for many hunters.
- Sighting System: Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mount
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
CVA Optima

The Optima is CVAs mid-level muzzleloader above the CVA Wolf V2 and below the CVA Accura V2. Just as you’d expect, this is a great muzzleloader for those who are new to the muzzleloader world as well as those who are more experienced.
Featuring a QRBP (Quick-Release Breech Plug), which is really easy to remove without tools, the CVA Optima is very simple to clean and maintain. It’s also compact, lightweight, and easy to carry.
Compared to the Wolf, the CVA Optima has a slightly longer, 26″ fluted barrel (instead of a 24″ non-fluted barrel) and a stock with a cheek riser.
Aside from that, the two muzzleloaders are virtually the same. Certain versions of the Wolf have blued barrels or stainless steel barrels while certain versions of the optima have stainless steel or nitride coated barrels. Both are available with black or camo stocks as well as with or without scope and scope mounts.
The version of the CVA Optima pictured here features a Durasight scope mount, which is permitted for use in most states. However, CVA also makes an otherwise identical Optima variant with iron sights for use in states where scopes are not permitted.
Just like with the Wolf, CVA also produces a Northwest Legal model of the Optima for use in the states of Idaho and Oregon that require the ignition be exposed to the elements and do not permit the use of 209 primers.
I’ve hunted pretty extensively with a CVA Optima over the past 5 years and have taken deer, feral hogs, javelina, and even a black bear with mine. The Optima has served me very well and I’m sure it will do the same for you!
- Sighting System: Includes One-Piece Scope Mount
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
Traditions Buckstalker Youth
If you’re looking for the best muzzleloader for youth hunters, then look no further than the Traditions Buckstalker Youth. Similar to the Traditions Buckstalker XT just profiled, the youth model weighs in at just 6.35 pounds and has with a short 13″ length of pull and 39″ overall length that make it a great compact muzzleloader for a small framed hunter. It also uses the same manual safety that incorporates both a hammer block and trigger block safety as the Buckstalker XT, so the Buckstalker Youth is also incredibly safe.
The Traditions Buckstalker Youth comes from the factory with iron sights and is drilled and tapped for a scope. Especially when the very reasonable price of the muzzleloader is taken into account, the Traditions Buckstalker Youth is clearly one of the best youth muzzleloaders out there.
This rifle is available with standard iron sights or with fiber optic sights. Both models are drilled and tapped for a scope.
- Sighting System: Truglo Fiber Optic Sights & Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mount
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
Traditions Kentucky Flintlock Kit
No list of the best muzzleloaders for hunters would be complete without a traditional muzzleloader. Well, it’s doesn’t get much more traditional than a flintlock Kentucky Rifle, which is about as different from the CVA Paramount as you can get. In addition to helping you channel your inner Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett, this kit also gives you the full hands-on muzzleloader experience by building it yourself.
The kit comes with all the necessary parts to build an authentic Kentucky Rifle along with easy to read, step-by-step instructions on exactly how to put it all together. The finished product is a fully functional Kentucky Flintlock Rifle with a full-length walnut stock, beautiful solid brass furniture, an octagonal 33.5″ rifled barrel, and a case hardened lock.
Note that this rifle is designed for use with true black powder and the 1:66″ rifling twist rate is best suited for patched round balls, so you’ll get the full traditional muzzleloader hunting experience with this Kentucky Rifle. Sabots and conical bullets probably won’t shoot very well in this muzzleloader, but part of the fun that comes from using a primitive muzzleloader is hunting with a plain ol’ round ball.
When all is said and done, it’s the perfect muzzleloading rifle to display above the mantle or to take afield in pursuit of game with your coonskin hat. As a flintlock muzzleloader, it’s also legal to use in virtually every state, to include the Pennsylvania primitive weapon season.
Traditions also produces this hunting rifle in a kit with either a flintlock or a percussion ignition system. Additionally, if you don’t want a kit, you can also purchase both the flintlock and percussion cap ignition models of this rifle as finished products.
- Sighting System: Open Sights
- Caliber: .50 Caliber
- Ignition System: Flintlock or Percussion Cap
Note: CVA temporarily suspended production of all Paramount models during 2023 due to an ongoing lack of components (Blackhorn 209 and large rifle primers) for the end user. These are fantastic long range muzzleloaders, but their utility is severely hampered by the lack of availability of primers and powder right now. Be certain you can source appropriate components before purchasing one!
CVA Paramount
The Remington 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader (UML) was the best option for a long range muzzleloader for many years. However, the brand new bolt-action CVA Paramount have likely dethroned the UML as the best long range muzzleloader. In fact, the CVA Paramount was so successful that they’ve followed up on the base model Paramount with the Paramount XTR and Paramount Pro in the last couple of years.
CVA markets the Paramount line as capable of taking big game at ranges over 300 yards due to the incredible accuracy of the muzzleloader and the comparatively flat trajectories that hunters can obtain while using it.
How do they do it?
First, the base model Paramount is a .45 caliber muzzleloader (also available in .40 cal and .50 cal for the Paramount XTR and Paramount Pro models) designed to use a “super magnum” charge of up to 160 grains of Blackhorn 209 powder. Second, the muzzleloader uses special adapters that permit the use of large rifle primers for hotter, more consistent, and faster ignition than with standard 209 primers. Third, unlike most muzzleloaders, the Paramount has a 26″ free-floating Bergara barrel with a very fast rifling twist rate to stabilize the long, high BC bullets designed for use with these rifles. In case you were wondering, the Paramount uses a collapsible ramrod that fits in an included pouch for use afield.
Speaking of bullets, CVA also teamed up with PowerBelt to develop a line of new, extremely aerodynamic muzzleloader bullets specifically for the Paramount: the .40 caliber 225gr PowerBelt Extended Long Range (ELR) bullet, the .45 caliber 285gr PowerBelt ELR bullet, and the .50 caliber 330gr PowerBelt ELR. Each version of the PowerBelt ELR has a very high BC, so they retain energy and resist wind deflection exceptionally well. Combined with the very high velocities that can be obtained by using super magnum charges of powder, this results in a very flat bullet trajectory for a muzzleloader that rivals the trajectory of some centerfire rifle cartridges.
Indeed, CVA advertises that maximum loads for the PowerBelt HTR are approaching .300 Win Mag trajectories inside 400 yards! These rifles are also exceptionally accurate and CVA claims their shooters have consistently obtained sub-MOA accuracy at 300 yards (which has been my experience as well with my Paramount).
So, if you want the absolute best muzzleloader for long range hunting, then you should really consider the CVA Paramount.
The CVA Paramount HTR is the newest model of the Paramount and is equipped with a hunting (as opposed to a target) oriented adjustable stock with a Realtree Hillside camouflage pattern as well as a fluted barrel that can accept a muzzle brake. This is a light and sleek muzzleloader that’s specifically designed to provide incredible accuracy and unsurpassed extended range performance.
The CVA Paramount HTR .40 caliber muzzleloader has the flattest trajectory of any mass produced muzzleloader as of 2023. If you’re looking for the absolute best long range muzzleloader, buy a .40 caliber CVA Paramount HTR.
Unfortunately, some states require larger caliber muzzleloaders for certain types of hunting. At the same time, a few states also prohibit the use of telescopic sights during muzzleloader season.
That’s where the Paramount Pro comes in. Similar to the other Paramount models, the Pro version is available in .50 caliber (which is legal for hunting deer, pronghorn, bear, elk, and moose all over North America). While some models are drilled and tapped for a scope, the Paramount Pro is also available with the outstanding Williams Western Precision Sight Set, which is the best mass produced muzzleloader sight available these days.
If you’re looking for the best long range muzzleloader for use in states like Colorado that require a .50 caliber muzzleloader for hunting certain animals and/or prohibit the use of a scope, buy a .50 caliber CVA Paramount Pro.
Finally, the base model CVA Paramount is also a great long range muzzleloader. It’s only available in .45 caliber and has a Bergara HMR stock that has adjustments for length of pull and cheek height and an internal aluminum chassis for rigidity. The rifle is a little heavier than the Paramount HTR and Pro. While it provides nearly the same level of ballistic performance as the Pro and HTR, the base model Paramount has fewer bells and whistles and is a little bit less expensive.
Additionally, current production CVA Paramount, Paramount Pro, and Paramount HTR muzzleloaders come with a threaded barrel that can accept the new Paramount muzzle brake (brake sold separately). The Paramount does not have brutal recoil, but it will certainly get your attention. So, the new muzzle brake (which is specifically designed for use on the Paramount) will be a welcome accessory for many hunters.
Finally, the CVA Paramount is not considered a firearm under federal law. State law can vary, but in most places, you can have a Paramount shipped directly to your door.
The CVA Paramount is an outstanding muzzleloader that delivers incredible performance. If it’s legal to use where you hunt, then I HIGHLY recommend purchasing one.
- (Paramount) or 8.2 Pounds (Paramount Pro & HTR)
- Sighting System: Accepts Remington 700 Pattern Scope Mount
- Caliber: .45 Caliber Magnum (Paramount and Paramount Pro), .40 Caliber Magnum (Paramount HTR and Paramount Pro), or .50 Caliber Magnum (Paramount Pro)
- Ignition System: Vari-Flame Ignition
The CVA Paramount also made cut for my holiday gift recommendations. To see what other stuff is on the list, check out the following article:
Note: Smith & Wesson announced in May of 2021 that they are divesting the Thompson Center line of products in order to focus on Smith & Wesson core products. At this time, no buyer has been identified for Thompson Center and the future of the company is very much in doubt. So, while the T/C muzzleloaders below are very good options for hunters, product availability will be very uneven for the foreseeable future.
T/C Triumph Bone Collector
Thompson Center has long been known for producing some of the best muzzleloaders around and their Triumph line is one of their best selling models (no disrespect at all to the Thompson Center Pro Hunter FX, which is also a great muzzleloader). Though Jim Shockey is one of the most famous hunters who uses T/C muzzleloaders, this particular model has a stamp of approval from Michael Waddell.
The T/C Triumph Bone Collector has all the same features as other T/C Triumph muzzleloaders: a 28″ fluted barrel, a Weather Shield finish for corrosion resistance, and an easy to remove breech plug. However, the Bone Collector also incorporates black traction grip panels on the forend, a great recoil pad, and what T/C calls a “Flex Tech” stock. Thompson Center claims that the stock compresses slightly during recoil and can reduce felt recoil by 43%.
So, if you want a rugged and accurate muzzleloader with reduced recoil, even when shooting magnum loads, then you should really check out the Thompson Center Triumph Bone Collector.
- Sighting System: Truglo Fiber Optic Sights & Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mounts
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
Thompson Center Impact
The Impact is T/Cs entry level muzzleloader. However, like the CVA Wolf, while the Impact is a great muzzleloader for those who are new to the muzzleloader world, it’s still quite capable and will work very well for the vast majority of muzzleloader hunters.
Additionally, the Thompson Center Impact is reasonably priced, so it’s a great muzzleloader for hunters of all experience levels and budgets.
- Sighting System: Truglo Fiber Optic Sights & Drilled/Tapped For Scope Mount
- Caliber: .50 Caliber Magnum
- Ignition System: 209 Primers
While this post covers choosing the right muzzleloader, that’s only a single part of the equation when hunting with a muzzleloader. For more detailed information on choosing the right primer, propellant, bullets, sights, and scopes, check out these other articles:
15 Of The Best Muzzleloader Primers For Igniting Your Powder
Blackhorn 209 vs 777 vs Goex Black Powder: Which One Should You Use In Your Muzzleloader?
13 Of The Best Muzzleloader Bullets For Hunters
9 Best Muzzleloader Scopes For Hunters
These Are The Best 9 Best Muzzleloader Sights For Hunters
5 Best Traditional Muzzleloaders For Hunters
Essential Muzzleloader Supplies Every Hunter Needs
11 Best Hunting Ear Protection Options For Hunters
Enjoy this article on the best muzzleloaders for hunters in 2025? Please share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
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John McAdams is a proficient blogger, experienced shooter, and long time hunter who has pursued big game in 8 different countries on 3 separate continents. John graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point and is a veteran of combat tours with the US Army in Iraq & Afghanistan. In addition to founding and writing for The Big Game Hunting Blog, John has written for outdoor publications like Bear Hunting Magazine, The Texas State Rifle Association newsletter, Texas Wildlife Magazine, & Wide Open Spaces. Learn more about John here, read some of John’s most popular articles, and be sure to subscribe to his show: the Big Game Hunting Podcast.
I was intrigued that you included the 2 T/C rifles in the article. Both are great rifles IMO. Will these continue to be available as well as parts that work with them? Isn’t T/C a thing of the past or do you know something I don’t. I hate it that, as far as I know, T/C is gone. I have a T/C Strike, which wasn’t around long, that I absolutely love. The ADAPT breech system is great and I find it reliable and accurate with my loads.
Read the article again carefully and look for the notice I place above the first T/C muzzleloader listed.
It’s a sad time that the best of the best muzzleloader Thompson is going to be a thing of the past when Smith/Wesson bought Thompson out us Hunters of the Northeast had a very sad time knowing that it was coming to the end,I’m glad I got to purchase 2 of the best muzzleloaders ever made. I’m glad that they will be able to be handed on to my sons for many more years to come because of the quality that was put into these rifles from NEW HAMPSHIRE 👌
Sad thing to me is I have a TC Triumph Bone Collector. She’s been through hell and back. I call her “Crumbleina ” my favorite gun. I use during our muzzleloader and shotgun seasons in Delaware. She’s a lil pitted some rust on her, mostly do to my carelessness. She’s not pretty anymore But she’s still knocking them down. I said I was gonna get another one just to have and put up. That’s how I ended up here, searching and searching. And they don’t make them anymore. 😢 💔 It’s a shame. And I could kick my own but for being young and dumb.