Ep 320: Master Alaska Guide Phil Shoemaker Talks Brown Bear Hunting


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Master Alaskan guide Phil Shoemaker joins me in this episode to talk about brown bear hunting in Alaska. We discuss how he got started in this business, practical ballistics, caliber selection, and bullet selection as it relates to bear hunting, some of the other, less discussed, though still important aspects of bear hunting, and a couple of noteworthy stories from his long hunting career up in Alaska (including his famous incident from 2016 where he killed an aggressive brown bear with his 9mm handgun).

Learn more about Phil’s family’s hunting operation Grizzly Skins of Alaska here. Follow them on Instagram @grizzlyskinsofalaska or on Facebook here.

Sponsor: Go to HuntingGuns101.com and Sign up for my free e-book on the best hunting calibers at to receive the entertaining and informative emails I send out about hunting, firearms, and ballistics every weekday.


Ep 84: Dan Roland On Alaska Bear Hunting – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 92: Dan Roland On Dall Sheep Hunting – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 130: Joseph von Benedikt On Caribou Hunting – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 162: Joseph von Benedikt On Moose Hunting – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 201: Sheep Hunting 101 With Ron Spomer – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 282: Grizzly Bear Hunting With A 6.5 Creedmoor?!? – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 289: Dall Sheep Hunting With Mark Huelsing – Podcast referenced in episode

Ep 316: Dall Sheep Hunting 101 With Tyler Freel – Podcast referenced in episode